

Elevate your newsletter with Beak - a sleek Ghost theme for resourceful & engaging content. Stand out & captivate readers now!
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Think of Beak as a Ghost theme built to turn your email newsletter into a beautiful reading experience. From eye-catching landing pages to seamless Ghost integration, it provides all the tools you need to grow your subscriber list and deliver polished content directly to your readers’ inboxes.

Feature Overview

Let’s break down what sets Beak apart:

  • Newsletter-First Design: Features prominently designed to highlight email subscription options and capture new sign-ups.
  • Focus on Readability: Ensures your newsletter will look fantastic when emailing clients, optimizing the reading experience across all devices.
  • Multiple Newsletter Layouts: Choose from various email layout options to create a distinct look for your newsletter.
  • Easy Newsletter Creation: Build beautiful newsletters directly within the Ghost editor, streamlining your workflow.
  • Membership Ready: Monetize your content by seamlessly integrating with Ghost’s membership features to create premium content experiences.
  • Customization Options: Adapt the theme’s look and feel to personalize your publication’s branding.
  • Resources Functionality: Build a curated list of recommended links and resources with external links.

A Deeper Look at Beak

Let’s unpack a couple of its key features:

  • Newsletter-First Design: Beak understands that growing your email list is essential. It spotlights calls to action for subscriptions.
  • Resources Functionality: List recommended links, products, or tools outside your primary newsletter content.

Getting Started with Beak

Ready to try Beak? You can purchase the theme directly from Once you have it, the setup is straightforward:

  1. Install and Activate: Navigate to your Ghost admin panel and upload the Beak theme. Activate it to apply it to your site.
  2. Set Up Your Newsletter: Seamlessly integrates with standard email marketing platforms for easy subscriber management.
  3. Customize: Play with the various customization options to make Beak’s aesthetic reflect your brand and publication.

Who Should Use Beak?

Beak is an excellent choice for:

  • Newsletter-Driven Publications: If your primary focus is building a readership through email content, Beak streamlines the experience.
  • Writers Who Want to Grow Their Subscriber Base: Beak makes it easy to integrate calls to action for subscribership throughout your website.
  • Content Creators With a Resource List: Offer curated links or recommendations to engage readers beyond your newsletter content.
  • Anyone Aiming for a Polished Email Experience: Beak ensures your emails look as professional as your website.


Beak is a Ghost theme that understands newsletters’ power to build a loyal readership. Its focus on subscription options, optimized readability, newsletter creation tools, and resource functionality makes it perfect for anyone who wants to master email content delivery. If building a dedicated audience through an engaging newsletter experience is your goal, Beak is a powerful tool to help you achieve it.


Iris Themes


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